
Showing posts from September, 2023

A Departure's Painful Sting

As he departs from sight, a void unfilled, Words, like gentle raindrops, you instilled. Even when love's arrow pierced my heart's wall, Desolation echoed in every breath's call. Yet, your gift was a world of words and hue, A sanctuary that within me grew. I've witnessed this departure, a thousand times told, Bodies turned to ashes, stories of old. Today, it's different, a sorrow so vast, For it's you, turning to ash at last. Brother, why did you leave so soon, Could you not stay beneath the moon? You could have lived, not just for me, But for the mother, you see, She endured life's relentless strife, Your promise, her reason for life. Was your karma to the divine supreme, More important than her lifelong dream? Hey, death, a senseless jest you play, Ignoring pleas, taking him away. A widow's hope, her only thread, Snatched by you, as you sped. Oh, death, you heartless clown, Leaving sorrow and despair all around.

"Enduring Resilience"

As you applaud my foes with glee, I'll cry out in defiance, let vengeance be, Not seeking justice in this cruel game, I bear the suffering, a silent flame. Yet, in my heart, no blame to claim, For why should I, in this twisted frame? Blame not for the cruel spectators' glee, But for my own strength, I'll set me free. In this arena of trials and despair, I stand tall, a spirit that won't tear. The world may jeer and take delight, In my struggles, they find their night. But I'll endure, unyielding and true, For the strength within me, I'll renew. With every challenge, I'll rise above, In the face of adversity, I'll find love. No, I won't falter, I won't back down, In the harshest of storms, I'll wear the crown. As you cheer for my enemies with a bitter cup, I'll hold my head high, and never give up.

Innocence Triumphs Strength

  She felt a change, a transformation within, Her body blossoming, a journey to begin. As curves emerged, with grace they swelled, She embraced the shift, a tale to be held. In the mirror's gaze, a new reflection found, Her bosom's growth, a secret profound. With a tender smile, she welcomed the shift, Adorning herself, her spirit to uplift. She opted not to dance, a moment to savor, As 'it' gracefully moved, a secret behavior. In this transformation, she found her own way, A journey of self-love, come what may. She longed to play basketball, her heart's desire, But the stares at her bosom, she couldn't inspire. She prayed to God, a fervent plea to make, Her breasts vanish, for her own sake. She donned a bra, a source of comfort and grace, Feeling secure, in its warm embrace. Embracing herself, finding strength from within, She pursued her passion, a journey to begin. That day at school, a memory so cruel, Some girls caressed her, breaking the rules. Those lean

"Solitary Flight"

On wings of dreams, my spirit soars, Yet in their absence, uncertainty roars. Hope to grasp my goals, I implore, Seeking that day, secure and sure. Alone I stand, a self-grown tree, From a single seed, I found my decree. In moments frail, when odds abound, I crumble, weep, on solitude's ground. No soul to fathom my hidden sorrow, Inequity's hand, I've borne tomorrow. Wealth on display, yet peace denied, Loneliness dwells, a constant tide. No love to warm this heart of stone, Though to others, my love is shown. They cling for gain, their motives clear, No one to stay, no one to endear. A mirage of love, a desert's grace, In this solitary, endless chase.

Embrace of Self

  In life's vast tapestry, I've crossed paths with many souls, Some lingered, while others vanished into the ether's folds. Among them, some drew my heart close, Yet with others, I felt no connection, no shared twist. I accepted humanity's varied hues with grace, Prioritizing self-love became my newfound embrace. With each dawn's gentle kiss, my self-worth soared high, I cherished every curve and shade, beneath the boundless sky. My voice, husky and bold, a unique symphony, Imperfections celebrated, they're the essence of me. Marks, bruises, all battles, the stories they tell, These quirks that set me apart, make my spirit swell. Unfazed by the world's whispers and stray remarks, I tuned into my heart, igniting self-love's sparks. For in this dance of existence, I cherish 'me' the most, Loving others deeply stems from a self-love engrossed. Embrace your essence, for self-love's a precious treasure, No one can adore you more, a love beyond mea

"Resilience Unveiled”

In childhood's realm, as an only child, I thrived, My parents' love, the warmth in which I dived, With every sunrise, my world felt so alive, In their embrace, my heart was deeply tied.   But life took a turn, down a different trail, A marriage bond that cloaked me in betrayal, They hungered for my gold, my heart grew pale, My father's gifts, like fleeting dreams, set sail.   In that abyss, my spirit felt confined, A web of greed, deceit that undermined, The love I'd cherished, now cruelly maligned, In shadows deep, my happiness declined.   But through the darkest nights, I found a way, Education's beacon lit the path, I'd say, A job, well-paying, where dreams could sway, I vowed to leave my past's disarray.   With every paycheck, my spirit soared anew, No longer trapped, my strength and hope in view, I stand today, a life that's tried and true, No more tears, no more false ado.   I've learned that riches aren't just gold's embrace, True weal

Masks of Deceit

In a world of masks and feigned embrace, I walk a path through falsehood's endless chase, Surrounded by faces, all cloaked in love's attire, But beneath their masks, the flames of greed conspire.   They speak of love with honeyed words so sweet, Yet, beneath the surface, their intentions discreet, Each time my salary arrives, I'm filled with dread, For the vultures gather, waiting to be fed.   They come with smiles, their hands outstretched, Their feigned affection, carefully fetched, They promise loyalty, they swear they care, But all they seek is riches, unfair and rare.   I yearn for bonds that transcend mere gold, For hearts that cherish, not ones bought and sold, I offer what I have, with hope sincere, That one day, true loyalty will draw near.   But as the months go by, the pattern repeats, Their hunger for my wealth, a voracious beat, I give and give, until there's nothing left, And in their eyes, I see a heartless

"Optimistic Odyssey"

  In solitude, she wandered through her days, A single child, lost in life's winding maze, The love she sought, a distant, elusive haze, Yet hope ignited, in her heart ablaze.   From childhood's shadows, she emerged, unbound, Her dreams, a sanctuary where love was found, Imagining a man, her heart's desire crowned, In verse, she painted love, profound.   She wove a world where love was sweet, In poems, she danced to a lover's beat, A vision of a future, love replete, Her optimism never faced defeat.   With every word, her longing grew, The man she dreamed of, steadfast and true, In verses, their love, an ocean blue, She believed in a love destined to ensue.   In the embrace of her written rhyme, She felt his presence, every single time, Their love, a symphony, sweet and prime, In her hopeful heart, it was the climb.   She'd conjure nights of passion's fire, With verses that made her spirit soar higher, Imagin

"Unseen Valor: The Woman Behind the Veil"

    In shadows deep, my life unfolds, a tale untold, a woman's role, With diligence, I toil and strive, in every moment, I'm alive, Through countless hours, my hands they toil, with strength and grace, I till the soil, I care for all, both far and near, their whispered dreams, their darkest fears.   A nurturing heart, my guiding light, I strive to make their burdens light, For in this world, I've come to find, my worth is measured, undefined, Yet in my depths, a nagging doubt, do they embrace, or cast me out? Do they see me as a vessel of gold, or just a means to buy and sell?   I pour my love, my soul, my time, into a world where roles entwine, But in the depths of my despair, I wonder if they truly care, For every smile, every embrace, is it genuine or just a chase? Of fleeting dreams and shallow gains, where love is lost, and trust remains.   Though wisdom flows through every vein, I choose to hide my inner pain, I feign ignorance, wear

"Rainy Night Dreams of Imaginary Love"

Beneath the velvet shroud of night's embrace, I lie in bed, a smile upon my face. The rain outside, a gentle lullaby, As I drift into dreams, you and I.   In my mind, you're more than just a dream, My imaginary love, a vibrant stream. Your arms around me, a tender delight, In the realm of our passion, we take flight.   The raindrops whisper secrets to the trees, As in your warm embrace, I find my ease. Your love, my refuge in the darkest night, In your arms, my heart takes its flight.   Your touch ignites a blush upon my skin, In this world of dreams, we always win. With every hug, you draw me near, Banishing all doubt and every fear.   In the stillness of the night, I hold you tight, In the realm of dreams, love takes its flight. Though you're not real, you feel so true, My imaginary love, I dream of you.

“Resurgence of the Phoenix Heart”

                                                                                         In the quiet of night, with the moon as her guide, She pondered a love once strong, now lost in the tide. Her heart whispered questions, Why did he depart? Leaving her with a shattered, lonely heart.   Through tears and through darkness, she sought for a clue, Why he chose to leave, she just couldn't construe. In the depth of her sorrow, she felt so confined, A soul adrift, lost in the recesses of her mind.   But like the phoenix, rising from the ashes anew, She found strength within, from the depths of the blue. With every sunrise, her spirit took flight, No longer held captive by sorrow's dark night.   With courage and grace, she reclaimed her might, In the tapestry of life, she wove colors so brightly. No longer defined by the pain that had been, She emerged from her struggles, like a phoenix, serene.   Her heart, once in pieces, had found a new st

"Ink and Imagination: The Verse-Weaving Professor"

  Where words flow like ink, art blooms on paper, In the canvas of thoughts, a world takes shape, She wields her pen as a masterful creator, Crafting verses that hearts can't escape. With the touch of her words, emotions ignite, In the symphony of lines, her stories take flight, Ink and imagination, her tools of the trade, In the realms of her poems, adventures are made. Amidst the hallowed halls of the university's grace, She imparts wisdom with a scholar's embrace, A professor who inspires, a mentor so true, Guiding young minds to find paths anew. Where words flow like ink, art thrives every day, Her pen is the compass that shows the way, In the tapestry of life, she's a guiding star, Where words meet art, dreams go far. - Chippy Mohan