"Ink and Imagination: The Verse-Weaving Professor"


Where words flow like ink, art blooms on paper,

In the canvas of thoughts, a world takes shape,

She wields her pen as a masterful creator,

Crafting verses that hearts can't escape.

With the touch of her words, emotions ignite,

In the symphony of lines, her stories take flight,

Ink and imagination, her tools of the trade,

In the realms of her poems, adventures are made.

Amidst the hallowed halls of the university's grace,

She imparts wisdom with a scholar's embrace,

A professor who inspires, a mentor so true,

Guiding young minds to find paths anew.

Where words flow like ink, art thrives every day,

Her pen is the compass that shows the way,

In the tapestry of life, she's a guiding star,

Where words meet art, dreams go far.

- Chippy Mohan


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